Inspiring Creativity through Knowledge Sharing & Collaboration

Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, OpenAsset, and Flo10 discuss how knowledge sharing and collaboration can inspire creativity and drive growth in the AEC industry. Discover how AHMM leveraged our software to overcome key challenges and improve project processes in a remote and hybrid workforce environment.


Key Findings

  • AHMM address challenges in sharing knowledge effectively within a vast information landscape.

  • Flo10 provides the most up-to-date guidance, validated information, and eliminates the risk associated with outdated data.

  • AHMM create a visually appealing digital platform showcasing projects, moving beyond traditional data presentation.

  • Search and filters simplify finding specific project examples, providing valuable inspiration for users.

  • AHMM's proactive approach involves early user involvement, usability testing, and addressing cultural barriers, ensuring high software adoption rates.

For the first time at AHMM, we have a digital platform that showcases our projects, and it’s more than just a dry set of data and information.
— Keith Austin, Knowledge Systems Manager at AHMM


  • AEC firms often struggle with outdated information, leading to potential risk in project execution. With Flo10 you have the most up-to-date and validated information, instilling confidence in decision-making and reducing the risk associated with using unreliable data.

  • Traditional data presentation can be dry and may not effectively convey the unique characteristics of a project. Flo10 transforms project showcasing into a visually appealing experience. AHMM now has a digital platform that goes beyond data, making projects more engaging and memorable.

  • Finding specific project examples and gaining inspiration can be time-consuming and challenging. With Flo10’s curated search and filters, you can effortlessly navigate through projects, saving time and gaining valuable insights for your own projects.

  • Practices often struggle with the process of searching for documents across multiple systems. Flo10 simplifies document retrieval by offering a centralised platform. Users can quickly find relevant information, eliminating the need to trawl through network drives.

  • Gaining insights into past project outcomes for informed decision-making can be difficult. Flo10 provides insights into past project outcomes, empowering teams to make decisions based on historical data. This contributes to improved project planning and execution.

  • The lack of integration with existing systems can disrupt workflows. Flo10 seamlessly integrates with existing systems, minimising disruption and enhancing overall workflow efficiency.

    Flo10 integrates with Microsoft Teams, Power BI, SharePoint, Deltek, Rapport3, CMap, OpenAsset, and more.

There is a confidence in what we are using. It’s the latest legislation, it’s been validated, and removing that risk factor is giving people more space to be creative.
— Keith Austin, Knowledge Systems Manager at AHMM

In conclusion, the collaboration between Flo10, OpenAsset, and Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) stands as a testament to the transformative power of effective knowledge management within architectural practice. The challenges faced by AEC firms in navigating vast amounts of information, fostering collaboration in remote work settings, and ensuring the accuracy of project data have been addressed comprehensively through the innovative features of Flo10.

To explore more knowledge management and compliance solutions that Flo10 offer register below for a free consultation or have a look through other case studies.


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